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INTERVIEW: Dennis Wheeler - part 1

INTERVIEW: Dennis Wheeler - part 1

Liam Ryder17 May 2020 - 09:00
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Signing for the Blues

Dennis was a goalkeeper and later, coach at Whitby Town, in the 70s, 90s and beyond. This is his story as told to Andrew Snaith:

I signed for Whitby in 1971. I was playing for Boosbeck United in the Cleveland League at the time when Nev Pybus, the then manager, approached me to join the club. Ian (Jock) Cook was the current goalkeeper and we got on well with him being a Brotton lad.

I made my debut away at Crook Town in October 1971 in the Northern League cup. We drew 1-1 but with that being my first game at that level, I soon realised you had to fully concentrate. I recieved an elbow to my face which left blood pouring from my nose. I thought: "Welcome to the Northern League!"

I made my home debut three days later against Tow Law, again another 1-1 draw. I had a confident game. The Whitby players being really supportive and the supporters always encouraging you I really felt at home and played with confidence.

When playing with the likes of Billy Veart, Billy Theaker, Roy Edwards, Derek Jacques and Alan Skelton, you always knew concentration was a must. Nev Pybus and Jack Durnall were really pleased to see how well I had adapted to this standard and were very supportive.

New signings with the likes of Derek Hampton, Colin Burnett, Terry Turnbull, Keith King, Brian "Wizza" Wood and Mike Hodgson already becoming established with the likes of the Readman brothers (Gary & Denis), Jacky Harrison, Eric Harrison, Steve Barron, plus
up and coming youngsters Ray Hood and a young Eddie McNamee were great for the club.

Once established in the team, I got the call to attend a four day training session with the FA Amateur Squad in Ormskirk, Lancashire. I got selected for two games at Tranmere Rovers FC in 1972 and Newcastle United FC in 1973, both against England Universities Union Teams which I thought I did pretty well in. I was asked to attend further sessions, but got knee problems and had to pull out.

Further reading